Some comparisons.
When the old forum was still going, we had that forum, and then there were the PUA forums. In PUA forums you could find people disillusioned by marketing hype, thinking their heroes are amazing. When in reality those people like Tyler, Neil, Erik, were just looking to put out and sell their next product regardless of quality and build a cult who will blindly eat up all their lies. But at the old BKRS forum, we saw through their bullshit(probably 99 positive interactions) and made fun of the idiots who swore by them.
That was the old cult. The PUA one.
A new one that has emerged however. Yes, it's the BKRS cult. Believe it or not, some or most of us were in it/are still in it. People who still follow Barry Kirkey and Gunwitch after they've openly admitted to hating everyone and couldn't give two shits about any of their fans. In this forum, we see through Barry Kirkey's bullshit. His hypocrisy, his willingness to put out sub-par products so that he can make money and sustain his current lifestyle and avoid getting a real job where he actually has to work. He's using us as a free ride. Just like how Tyler is putting out useless products to sustain his non-working lifestyle. Barry Kirkey has put out shows that people have PAID for, and not delivered their product. What does that say? Yet, there are still people who blindly follow him. People who think he can do no wrong. People like mrright, Sergio, Youval, and Yuriy.
Funny thing is, we wouldn't be able to discuss this at his new forum. It'd either get locked, or you'd be banned. Just like how you're not even allowed to DISCUSS any criticisms about RSD on their forum. Only cocksuckery.
New BKRS= RSDnation
It is pretty stupid.
I used to like Barry's show A LOT. like A LOT A LOT. But something happened...it got worse, and it seemed like he wasn't even interested in making it better. It's like he had this vision of his radio show, which was exactly like Howard Stern. So he kept trying to make it more and more like Stern, but Barry Kirkey is not Howard Stern. So the show kept sucking and Barry kept making stupid decisions like taking down the forum, listening to his girlfriend and Cameron, etc.
I just wanted to listen to the Barry Kirkey Radio Show, like it used to be, with Barry going crazy on air, not trying to make super cool funny bits (which always end up stupid and unfunny).
So fuck you Barry and your new shit. Your new forum and your new show suck ass. It's like, you had some good shows and some awesome ideas and a truly unique and amazing forum, and that was The Matrix...but now you're making The Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions and they suck ass.